What RTOS is supported?

It is possible to run a RTOS like FreeRTOS on PSoC6 although at the moment we don’t have any implementations of our LoRaWAN stack running with a RTOS.

If the LoRaWAN stack resides on the CM0+ core, it should be possible to use FreeRTOS freely on the CM4 and access the stack through the API via simple communication tasks, semaphores and message queues, right?

If the LoRaWAN stack resides on the CM0+ core, it should be possible to use FreeRTOS freely on the CM4 and access the stack through the API via simple communication tasks, semaphores and message queues, right?

Yes, you are correct. LoRaWAN stack resides on the Cortex CM0+ core and the developer is free to program its own code without interfering with the stack.

You can find tutorials on how to use FreeRTOS with PSOC 6 at this link