Strange Behavior with Hello World for MTB 2.0

I got the Hello World project for Modus Toolbox 2.0 working (sort of). However, I noticed two problems with it:

  1. It appears that the microcontroller never wakes up from sleep.
  2. If I remove the LoRaWAN_Sleep(&sleepConfig) call and replace it with a CyDelay() call, the delay appears to be 5-6 times what is specified.

These problems suggest some sort of configuration or setup problem. Unfortunately, the Modus Toolbox environment is so unfamiliar to me (as opposed to PSoC Creator), that I can’t understand the setup. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Does anybody have any idea why the microcontroller won’t wake up?


I think I’ve figured out why sleep/wakeup doesn’t work. It appears that my kit has stack version B0, which doesn’t support sleep. Too bad I wound up with such an old stack.

Can the M0 core be reflashed with a new version of the stack (hex file) or am I stuck with the old one?


Hi Paul,

Yes, unfortunately the B0 version is not able to get a reflash. Please send me a PM for upgrading your kit.
